Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 10, 2014


I can't remember if I walked or not, but I think I did. Does that count?

I know that I did school all day. We are moving right along. This was our 9th week of school. I scheduled to take next week off. The boys are a week behind in their math and science so we will probably do some on my week off. :0/ I plan to make a coverlet for my bed too.

So, TJ dropped off the kids for Ed and Joe to watch. Tom and I went with TJ, Ang, and Nina to their gig at Hogfish. Benet us there, too, after his dentist appointment. Tom and I babysat Violet at the gig. Tom held her most of the time. :0) It was a nice night out, a little cooler , and the food was lush.

I wanted to go straight to bed, but things were pretty messy, so I got my second wind and ordered a few people around. We got the kitchen and living room in shape. Garrett got the garbage out. That will make Saturday morning easier.

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