Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014


I went walking. After I showered I hurried to Winn Dixie to buy some birthday treats for Charlie, bacon and boxed cereal. That's what he wanted. We will have a party for him and Ariel Tuesday night. I also bought veggies for Ed's juicer. 

 I did school till 2:30 when I stopped to make and pack lunch. The band practiced at church. We left at 3:30 for Sloppy Joes. It's nice riding in the new van. I'll have to take a pic of it. It's black and Tom's going to paint the trailer black.

Had a good night at Sloppy's. Took the kids to Duetto's. I didn't do any embroidery but finished reading a book, Tell Your Time. 

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