Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014


I slept a little late today. I had bananas that needed to be made into muffins this morning or they would end up in the trash, so I made them instead of going walking.  I did school and laundry. 

Tom had an early dentist appointment. He was home for a little bit, then drove back to Key West with Tommy for his appointment. I took a little break, then did schoole with Charlie. 

We had a gig at Schooner tonight. I made mint chocolate chip spinach smoothies for Ed and I before we left. Something was wrong with Ed's mandolin so he took it to Dean's before we left. Then we had to meet Ed and TJ at Walgreens and pick them up. I guess Dean fixed it because Ed played it tonight. 

Tom and I took a walk to Kilwin's. I bought a carmel apple for Charlie and a peanut butter cup for me. We saw our favorite banjo playing Darth Vador on Duval St. He's so cool. :0) Tip your Vador! 

Nina's dad sang with her tonight. He brings a little magic to the stage. Fun! :0)

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