Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 28, 2014


I woke up early and went walking. I bumped up my running 30 seconds. The house is pretty messy again. We really need to get back in the chore routine. 

TJ picked up Garrett to babysit Violet at the Blue Heaven gig. I did school with Tommy and Charlie. Rita's mom took Tommy, Charlie, Ian, and Ariel to gym class. Nina went with them. Tom and I went to a meeting at Habitat for Humanity. There is a house available and we are going to fill out the paperwork. Kim and Doug are applying too. 

I did dishes and made supper. There was leftover lasagna that I doctored up with more sauce, and iAds a pasta dish with a sauce made out of sweet potatoes. Oh, and a salad. I think I was the only one that ate salad. I wish we could sit around a table and eat together. Eating buffet style, Charlie ate crackers. I didn't even have crackers out. I'm getting tired of it. 

Charlie was upset because his iPad glitched and messed up a game he had been working on for a long time. Joe laughed at him and made him more upset. The older boys don't exercise too much compassion. As soon as I was done eating I left the mess and Charlie and I went to bed.

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