Friday, October 17, 2014

October 16, 2014


I went walking. It's finally cooled off a couple degrees, but it's still hot. I finally had time to see the latest embroidered dress together. It looks great! 

I practiced fiddle with Charlie but he was a punk so I finally practiced by myself. Garrett and Tommy did math. Tommy went to a guitar lesson. I didn't feel good all day again, but I made myself do things. I cut the material for the coverlet I'm making for my bed. I need to borrow an ironing board before I can go any further. I'm not looking forward to gathering the fabric for the ruffle around the edges, but I know it will look great when it's done.

I ran out of energy after the boys ran off for youth group. I didn't do much of anything. I was going to go to Kim's, but instead she picked me up and we went to the park so Stevie could play. Tom came home at 9. I didn't make supper so Tom and I went over to Springer's for supper. I was so tired, I could have just gone to bed. 

When we got home Ed and Nina were cooking, a stir-fry maybe, and I went straight to bed.

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