Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 4, 2014


I went walking. The band went to Sunset Pier but Nina had the morning and afternoon off. I did an Algebra lesson with Garrett. I made yogurt and practiced fiddle with Charlie. Then I folded tons of laundry. All of it. I was all caught up. 

The band came back and had two hours to rest up before leaving for their late night gig at The Hurricane. Garrett went to work at church. After the band left I outlined more of Garrett's history book. I finished half the chapter and then TJ picked me up to go to the Hurricane. We got there just before 9 and stayed till 11:30, when TJ, the little boys and I went home.

On the way home there was a guy walking on the seven mile bridge. He was leaning out towards us and scared us. We didn't see him till the last second.  It was so dark and starting to rain. I'm guessing he was hitch hiking. Tom said he was still walking on the bridge when they came home a few hours later

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