Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014


Another gray, rainy day and it poured most of the day. I started school, but Garrett and Tommy were needed at church for Fall Festival preparations so I just did school with Charlie.

TJ dropped of Jake and Callie for a little while, then when he came back he gave a lesson from the computer. 

I found a bin of missing material for little girl dresses that I couldn't find. It was under my bed. The pattern I was going to make was in there too, a size 3, and Callie is now in a size 4. I went online and found the pattern in a size 5 and 6 and ordered both. I really want to sew lately. I have to finish the ruffle on my coverlet first. 

About 1 o'clock we had a call that our van was fixed, on the mainland about 6 hours away, so Tom and I left around 5:30 to go get it. We got to our friend, John's, house about 10:30 and we are spending the night here. We will have breakfast with John tomorrow and then get the van and drive back to the Keys. We might stop at a Joann's Fabric store. I know, not a big deal to most people, but we have to drive a long way to do that.

There is a beautiful, cool breeze. The windows are open. The palm fronds (is that how you spell it?) are rustling in the breeze; a gorgeous night.

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