Friday, October 17, 2014

October 15, 2014


I packed lunch in a cooler and Tom drove the three youngest boys, Ian, Aaron, Ariel, and I to Jacob's Aquatic Park in Key Largo, two hours away. I didn't feel good all day, but I swam for a while, then sat in the shade and knitted. The band had meetings and then practiced back at church. 

When we got home I did dishes and showered before hurrying off to church. After church we brought Jake and Callie to our house so TJ and Ang could go to the young adult group. When TJ picked them up they didn't want to go home and put up a stink. We decided that I would watch them Wednesday nights at their house, and get them to bed. Then it won't be such a hard night for TJ and Ang.

I read to Charlie and went to bed. The older boys watched hockey and were very loud. 

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