Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 29, 2014


We did school. I wanted to finish by 4:30 and then go to Kim's to help in the studio. I started winding yarn for a dyeing project we are getting ready to do. 

When I left there I stopped at home to get jeans and a long sleeved shirt for Tom, then Charlie and I went to church. The big kids had a vocal lesson in Key West, then they met us at church.

After church I took Charlie and TJ's kids to TJ's house. Violet cried the whole way in the truck and was fussy for about an hour once we got to their house. She made me stand  and hold her. Tom tried to meet us at TJ's, but his motorcycle
broke down on the way there and he had to fix it. 

Violet and Callie finally fell asleep. I did their dishes and picked up the kids room a little. Then they came home and Charlie and I went home. They live 3 miles away from us.

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