Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014


I went walking. Nina, Ben, and TJ went to Blue Heaven. I did school. It was a drag today. They don't want to do school and it turns me into a nag. Grrrr.

At 5 we started to get ready to go trick-or-treating in Marathon. Sadly, I was not looking forward to it. Charlie couldn't find part of his costume and I just wanted to stay home. There were dishes to wash, laundry to fold, all the floors are dirty, my bathroom is dirty, and I haven't done any bookkeeping in months. :0(

Nina brought Ian and Ariel over and Tommy, Charlie, Garrett and I went with them to Marathon. TJ and family came too. We got there minutes before it got busy. The neighborhood behind the airport was mobbed. We met some other homeschoolers there and it turned out to be fun. We walked around for about an hour and headed back to the van.

We all headed to Tarpon Creek, where we met the band. They were ready to start their gig. Jake sang "Candy Kisses." Super cute. :0)

It was gorgeous out tonight.

Here's a pic from trick-or-treating. There was a big pot (cauldron) cooking bubbles. When the wind blew they blew all over and across the street. The kids loved it.

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