Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 26, 2014


I slept bad last night and got up to my alarm at 6. Got dressed for the race and started the dishes. I woke Nina up and we went over to church together. Nina came in first for her age group and I came in fourth in mine. It was a nice morning, sunny and  cool, which is about 80 in these parts. :0)

We both hurried home so we could shower and get back to church. The kids led worship this morning for two services so we went to both too. Afterwards, Nina's band hurried off to their gig at Sunset Pier, Charlie went to a friend's, and Kim came over to our house.

I cut out a dress for Callie and started sewing on it. Tom and Ed watched football. Go Bills! Ha! It doesn't matter to me at all. 

 Close to 5 we left for Schooner Wharf. We dropped off Garrett's friend, Jaden, on our way. Tommy stayed home so he could work at church tonight and Charlie was still at his friend's, so I didn't have to watch little kids at the gig. I just vedged for most of the evening. I found some maternity patterns for Kim and ordered them. Randy and Mikki came to Schooner with friends and stayed the whole show. TJ and I left about an hour before the end of the show.

When I got home I had Tommy put dishes away and Charlie straighten up the living room. I folded the towels
that were dumped on my bed and emptied the garbage that was overflowing. I started another load of wash and made some mac and cheese for the two boys. Garrett was already asleep. Got to bed at 12:30 AM.

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