Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014


I overslept this morning and did not go walking. We started school at 10:30 and worked at it till 5. It's going pretty good. I just wish the boys would not waste time. So far Algebra with Garrett is still fun, and Physical Science is interesting. I never liked science. 

Anyway, at 5 o'clock I made potato corn chowder with coconut milk and leftover TVP that I added Italian Sausage spices to. I guess everyone liked it because when I got home from church later, it was all gone.

We went to church at 6. I brought TJ's kids home with me afterwards. TJ and Ang went to a young adults group at church. I made up a schedule for myself. Trying to see what's most important and what needs to go. I can't find a good time to get groceries and I really don't like going 3 times a week. Also, I am way way way behind on my bookkeeping. There's been no time for that either. It needs to be scheduled in. 

Violet got fussy after an hour. Callie fell asleep on the couch just before TJ and and Angelica got here to pick them up. I worked on my schedule a little more. I read a book called "Take Your Time." That is what I'm using. 

The big kids watched a hockey game. I read to Charlie and went to bed.

Here's some better pics from the birthday party last night. The pics I took weren't very good.

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