Friday, October 10, 2014

October 9, 2014


It still feels like August to me. Does that mean I'm two months behind? Kind of.

I went walking this morning. Tom drove the new van to Miami to get something checked out. A light was coming on and there's a 30 day warrenty so he wanted it checked out. The dealer in Miami wanted too much money so Tom had to drive further up the coast to the place he bought it from. He ended up leaving it there and they gave him our old 15 passenger as a loaner for him to drive home. It was a 6 hour drive there and 6 hours drive back. Tom is a bit frustrated but oh well. 

We did school till 4:30. Charlie went to Shannon's. The rest of the kids went to youth group. I finished another outline for Garrett, then picked up a pizza and went to Kim's. She wove and I threaded. We moved the Looms around and made a corner for Stevie's toys and the warping mill.

I made myself get groceries on the way home. That was a drag but I am glad it's done. I ran into TJ and then Ed, Nina, and Ben in the grocery store. Small town. :0)

I got home at 9:30 and put groceries away while the boys watched hockey and were very loud. I really wanted to get to bed at 10 but that didn't happen. It was crazy.

I read to Charlie and went to bed.

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