Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 14, 2014


I went with TJ and Ang again to Blue Heaven, to babysit Violet at their gig. I like it because I get to hang out and do nothing. Violet was a little fussy and made me stand a lot, but we roamed around a little. I enjoy the plants and foliage at Blue Heaven. 

We were all beat when we got home. Some of the kids did chores while I was gone, but I couldn't tell. Nina had taken Charlie and Ariel to their fiddle lessons. She was going to take all the kids to gym class in Marathon but the teacher was sick and it was cancelled. Tom took Garrett up there anyway because he was going to sleep at a friends, and he needed to pick up something from the accountant's. 

I rested for a little bit in my room, then started in on the kitchen, cleared the table, cleared a path, and did the dishes. The boys headed to the park for hockey and I headed to Winn Dixie. I got back at 8:30. Poor me had to carry the groceries up the stairs. :0( do you feel sorry for me? There was lots. I put out grapes, a salad, and roasted sweet potatoes and carrots. I was going to make soup but it was too late and I lost all my steam. So when Joe came back from the park I sent him and Rita back to Winn Dixie to buy a few (5) subs. 

We ate and watched hockey. I didn't last long and went to bed. 

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