Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014


I did it all today. Well, almost. I didn't do bookkeepimg or go swimming.

I went walkmg. The band went to Sunset Pier. I did an algebra lesson with Garrett. Then we did an English test and a history test. Tommy went to the gig with the band. I watered my plants and made soup for lunch. I paid bills and made supper. I did two Omnibus lessons. Tommy is a few lessons ahead of me. We are reading The Odyssey. I also outlined 1/4 of the next chapter of Garrett's history, and I read to Charlie before bed.

The boys played hockey. Then watched hockey. The kitchen is TRASHED! 

While reading "Little House in the Big Woods" to Charlie it made me sad. I miss our farmhouse in Springville. I miss fall. I miss bushels of apples and baking. I miss making relish and tomato sauce. I miss wet leaves and mud. I miss winter. I miss snowmobile trails and cold noses and icy wind blowing right through me. I miss snow storms and white outs. I miss the 219. I miss our pond and the goats. I don't miss no where to put all the coats, snow pants, boots, hats, and mittens. Or the wet trail coming in the door through the kitchen. Fireplaces.


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