Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June 10, 2015


I slept till 10ish, had coffee, ate breakfast, and went swimming. JR came over and we all followed him over to JR Motorsports for a tour. Tom and JR ended up leaving during the tour. They went back to the house to get the GMC. It was making a horrible noise where we arrived last night. Something to do with the air conditioning. So they took it to a shop, then joined up with us again. 

We had a great time during the tour. Learned a lot. Then we had a tour of Dale's property, his old shop, his car graveyard, and western village. Super fun. 

We went back to the house. Jack and a few others stopped for some groceries. When they got back they made supper. Woo hoo!! No cooking for me!! :0) Everyone went swimming in the pool. Then they swam in the lake. I sat on the porch and crocheted. 

Cleaned up supper. The boys watched hockey and we sang "Happy Birthday" to Joe (21) and Garrett (16). Garrett wanted a cool jacket from the store at JR Motorsports, so I got it for him for his birthday. Joe got a new bass bow. We ate cake and ice cream and that was enough fore for one day.

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