Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 14, 2015


After just four hours of sleep I got up and got ready to go back to Wind Gap with Tom and Charlie. Charlie had his last rehearsal with the kids group. We left all the other big kids sleeping.

We dropped Charlie off and walked up the hill for breakfast. Then went back to the kids area. Tom had to go back to the camp where we were staying to wake up the rest of the kids, pack up our stuff, and head to the next gig, a church in Stroudsburg, PA. I got to hang out with TJ, Ang, Uncle Jack, and Mark and Chris Panfil for a while.

At 1:30 we watched the kids concert. Then Charlie and I rode with TJ's family to the church. We set up, played, had a reception, and then they fed us a real sit down supper at two tables set with dishes. It was so cool to sit and eat together, and the food was delicious. They really spoiled us. I'm going to start saving my piano lesson money and baby dress money to buy a big, big table for us to eat at. We will have to get rid of the living room furniture to make it fit but I think it's worth it. 

When we started to load the equipment it started to rain. It rained for much of our 6 hour drive to our next stop-- Grandma Fran's.

It's so hard driving after midnight. And the last two or three hours seem to take twice as long, but we finally arrived at Grandma Fran's at 3 AM. As it turns out, my parents were leaving FL the same time we reached their house. My wonderful brother Darryl unlocked the house for is, lit the pilot lights on the hot water heater and stove, and turned on the fridge. Thanks Darryl!!

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