Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 13, 2015


I was awake at 5:30 AM. I think we let the kids sleep till 10ish, then drove back to the Wind Gap festival. Charlie missed the first bluegrass kids but made the second one. He, Jake, and Callie went and had a great time 

I had a good day. Uncle Jack helped with TJ's kids so much. I had time to sit and relax and listen to the bands. The Gibson Brothers were my favorite band at the festival. 

We did a family band workshop at 3. The kids did such a great job. Made me proud. :0)

A few of the boys and Ang played a set with AJ Lee, then we played our set about midnight. It was really fun. I usually don't get to sit in the audience when they play, so this was a treat. Most of the time I sit to the side next to the stage, so other people can have the good seats. They did a great job. 

They were done about 2 AM, then talked with people till close to 4 AM. They finally loaded the equipment and we went back to camp. Got to bed at 5 AM. Sunrise was at 5:25. I set my alarm for 9:10

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