Friday, June 12, 2015

June 11, 2015


The band had to leave at 10 AM to head over to Whiskey River, a 40 minute drive, set up, and sound check. I got up, did a few things, then went swimming. Callie, Charlie, Uncle Jack, Violet, and then Jake joined me. Robert and James went swimming in the Lake. 

At 2 o'clock Robert and James went to pick up the GMC. It was the air conditioning, compressor bearings to the clutch, something like that. Tom and TJ came back to the house too, because the car seats were in the Sprinter, and then we decided to take just the Sprinter back into Charlotte, that meant squishing 18 people for the ride back to the house. 

City. Fun to look around for a few minutes, but I'm just not a city person. We played  at Whiskey River, Dale's bar. Ang, the little kids, and I sat in a big booth off to the side. Kind of a good place for the kids, but we were there a long time. The kids were fine, but I was tired. We played 4-7. Went home. Everyone was hungry. We ate leftovers and I started cleaning up and packed the cooler. A bunch of the boys went swimming again in the lake in the dark. They were going off the slide on the houseboat.  I got some things ready for loading into the van, set my alarm for 5:30 AM :0( and went to bed. 

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