Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 27, 2015


I had a wonderful relaxing morning. I roamed around this old house, amazed at all the rooms and details. It is called "The Chateau." 

The little kids played with water balloons. We were going to go to a carnival on the other side of the lake but ran out of time, and it also cost $25 a person. Multiply that by all of us would have been $350! Charlie was especially disappointed and used it as an opportunity to be a brat. 

He praticed his fiddle and I played guitar with him, but it wasn't much fun because he still kept acting like a brat. TJ and Ang went to Walmart. For our meal before our gig I made tomato soup, salad, peanut butter sandwiches, and watermelon . We also had leftover no-chicken noodle soup from the night before. 

Tommy, Charlie, and I rode over to the gig a little later than the band with TJ and family. That gave me time to clean up supper. The gig was fun. We couldn't sit near the playground tonight because there were so many people and no empty tables.  It worked out ok. Tommy and Garrett helped a lot to watch the little ones. 

By the time the band took their break I was ready to go back to the house. TJ took us again. I must try harder to get to bed earlier. I get to bed way to late. I wasn't asleep when the band and Tom got home and he talked farther into the night. Then he fell asleep but not me. :0(

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