Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 6, 2015


Tom and I went to the "Re-store" in the Habitat building, then stopped at Salvation Army to drop some stuff off. Before we left I had Tommy try in a pair of Joe's jeans. They fit Tommy, but Joe said that Doug had given them to him and they were expensive. When we went in to Salvation Army I looked at jeans and the very first pair I looked at were the same brand as Joe's, just 1 inch bigger and $4.99. I bought them! :0)

When we got home I packed for Tommy and folded about 100 baskets of llaundry. How can there be 100 or so socks with no matches? I threw them all out. Tired of the mid-matched sock basket. 

Joe and Ed went to a gig with TJ and Ang. Rita went too, to watch Jake, and Connie watched Callie and Violet. Tom worked all day cleaning the inside of the Sprinter and cleaning up the carport. Garrett spent the day with Jonathan, helping him clean and move into his apartment.

At 4 I did something I hardly ever do. I got my nails done. Now I feel pretty. Then I went to Bealls and bought a suitcase. (Ed bought one yesterday and Joe bought one right after I did). They look so big until you put stuff in them. There really are a lot of us to travel. That's a lot of suitcases. I'm not going to think about it. I just have to pack for Tommy, Charlie, and me. Tomorrow I will pick out what school books to take, Monday morning I will shop for produce, we'll play at Sloppy's, then leave ASAP Tuesday morning. 

Nina and Ed went to Nina's gig at Pinchers. 

Anyways, I spent a few minutes at home trying to figure out supper, made a plan, ran to Winn Dixie, came home, made a Buffalo chicken ziti concoction and strawberry shortcake, all the while doing dishes. We are just after 9.  TJ and Ang dropped off the kids so they could go record. They are trying hard to finish before we leave. 

Violet needed to sleep so I had to hold her. I finally went to my room and she fell asleep, but then I couldn't move. TJ got back and picked up the kids. I did dishes and put leftovers away. Then I had to get stuff off my bed from packing. Now it's almost 2 AM. Maybe next year just the band should go. So much work. So much stuff. Oh well, we should have fun. 

Also today, Kurt and Ben took their girlfriends to the prom up in NY. I found this pic of Ben and Emma on Facebook but none of Kurt and Jewel. And here's a super pretty Poinciana tree a block from our house. 

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