Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June 15, 2015


I was able to sleep till 10:30 AM. After coffee and breakfast Tom and I went out to get groceries and maybe look for a different van, a Ford Transit, and to go to the bank. We stopped at Tom's sister Anita's house. That's where TJ's family is staying. We visited longer than planned, then went looking at a van. That took all afternoon and we didn't get home till 10 PM. I think we spent 5 hours at the dealer's. They had one van, but without a towing package. We will have to order one and it would be delivered in October. 

We stopped at Tim Horton's on the way home. I felt bad for the kids because I planned on making supper. They ate soup and fruit and I brought them donuts. They were waiting for Tom so they could watch the Stanley Cup hockey game. I think Tom got to watch the 3rd period. Chicago won. 

Kurt took this picture of trees at my mom's house. Here's is a pic of my embroidered pillowcase and the crocheted lace I made. 

I made it to bed around 1 AM.

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