Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 18, 2015


The plan today was to leave at noon for Pulaski, VA. I got up and made a vegetable and bean pasta salad for the trip. Tommy helped me chop vegetables. I packed the coolers Andy stuff. I was aggravated with people not helping and wasting time. They knew we were leaving yet they wait till the last minute to start loading. 

When we were finally packed up Tom couldn't find his wallet. Then the van wouldn't start. His wallet was finally found in the last load of wash we did, still wet in a plastic garbage bag. (No time to dry it). He had left it in his shorts' pocket. Whoops! And the van, Tom cleared the code and it started. 

We drove all day. It was after midnight when we made it to our destination, a house on Claytor Lake. It was a little hard finding it in the dark but we did it. 

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