Monday, June 22, 2015

June 20, 2015


We had the morning to relax, then left about 4:30 for our gig in Bluefield, West Virginia.  Angelica stayed at the house with her kids, and Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie too. Earlier I had seen a bird flying in and out of the van. Tom had opened the doors because it was so hot in there. He had closed them, but when we went to leave we found the spot the bird was making a nest, in the overhead area over the driver's seat. Silly bird.

We got stuck in a traffic jam before one of the the two tunnels we had to go through. When we arrived at the gig it looked like a ghost town. We were in a city and there wasn't one car or person on the street. 

We played at The Railyard. Ed, Nina, and Joe played from 7-9 on the first floor. My Aunt Laurie came from Raliegh, NC to see us. We sat in a booth with an awesome pic of Clint Eastwood, my favorite. We ate, then moved upstairs for the rest of the gig. 

It was a great place. I was just tired the whole time. When the band was done I rode with Laurie 2 hours back to the lake house. I think we got to bed at 3 AM. 

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