Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June 2, 2015


I overslept big time, 10:30!!!! That made Charlie an hour late to fiddle camp. I never ever sleep that late. I hurried, woke up Charlie, and drove him over. 

I find that when I have too many things to do...I do nothing. Waste time. That's what's been happening the last few days.   Tommy and I went to get our hair cut, then I dropped Tommy off at church to watch TJ's  kids again while they recorded. When fiddle camp was over Charlie went to his friend's house. I don't think I got anything done. 

At 3:45 we left for Sloppy Joes and picked Charlie up on the way. I knitted on the way. Still trying to finish Jake's sweater. The night went by quickly. Jake's voice was raspy when he sang. He sounded like a blues singer and he didn't like it. Then he fell asleep leaning on a table.  During our first break I took Charlie to buy new Crocs. I ended up buying some for Jake and Callie too, Star Wars for Jake, Frozen for Callie. 

Too tired when we got home at 11. I haven't read to Charlie in days. :0(

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