Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 31, 2013

Walked and did school. Didn't have enough time to go to Kim's to weave. The big kids had a vocal lesson at the studio. The younger kids went to a friends and then trick-or-treating.

We watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. I made 3 bowls of popcorn and we ate too much Halloween candy. I threw out a ton of tootsie rolls. And more candy will be disappearing into the garbage can tomorrow. I think Garrett has eaten enough candy for a year. 

Anyways, after the movie I folded laundry, and then folded laundry, and then folded laundry. I made everyone get their clothes from my bed and put them away, but they didn't take them all. So what they didn't take I put in a bag for Salvation Army. They did this the last two times I folded, and I ended up putting folded clothes in baskets in the hallway. No one ever claimed the clothes and just messed them up. Two baskets full. Tomorrow they will be gone.

I had Joe close the windows and turn on the air. I was so hot and sticky. I'm starting to cool off now that it's 1 AM.

Tom and I are supposed to go kayaking tomorrow. Right now I don't want to do anything. 

I'm planning on taking a day or two off school next week, maybe three. But only if the boys help with the jobs that need to get done. Take out some bunks from their room (there's 2 triple bunks and a double) in exchange for two nicer ones. Their room stinks and is gross. Also, it's time to clean out kitchen cupboards and closets. Fall cleaning I guess. This happens every year. After nine weeks of homeschooling, we need to take time off to get things back in order. Get rid of clutter.

We have the next three Fridays off. That's never happened before, 3 in a row. Vacation time? Eh? I'd like to go to the beach by myself but something always gets in the way. Not enough time.

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