Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014


I turned off my alarm during the night. I slept till 8:30. Had some quiet time and went tin the hot tub. I had little ambition or motivation. Today was the last day of spring break. Most of the older kids went to the beach at Bahia Honda. Garrett slept till 1 PM, and Joe till 2:30 pm. 

One of my pineapple plants is growing a pineapple. It takes two years for a pineapple to grow. It looks so pretty.

We left at 3:30 for Sloppy's. I almost fell asleep on the drive. 

I was pretty sluggish the whole night. 

March 30, 2014


Went to church. Then I pulled out one of Kim's fiddles and practiced, or screeched, for about an hour.

We left at 4:30 for Schooner Wharf. It was a comfortable, cool night. Charlie was having a hard time playing with Tommy and some other boys, so he and I took a walk to Kilwin's for some chocolate. He got a Carmel Apple. I got a
2 chocolate covered pretzels, one for Tom, and one for Ingrid. For me, I got a peanut butter cup and salted Carmel fudge. Rob and Anastasia stopped by the gig and helped me eat the fudge. 

We got home after midnight. Joe and Naomi stayed up too late talking. I had to go out to the living room 2 or 3 times to tell them to get to bed. So I didn't get to sleep till 4 am. I was planning to walk Monday morning but had serious doubts of it happening.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 29, 2014


I was going to start reupholstering the chaise lounge in my room today, but ended up going to Bahia Honda with Charlie, Bobby, and Shannon instead. I figured it would do me good to lay around and relax since spring break was almost over. I also planned on finishing up the bookkeeping, but that didn't happen either.

When we got home I showered, then went to Winn Dixie for ice cream cake ingredients. I put groceries away and Shannon and Charlie helped me make the ice cream cakes. 

Next, I went to Kim's to help her wind another wrap on the loom. Back home again, I made teriyaki chickpeas and a salad. Nina made popcorn and we watched the newest Hobbit movie. The kids had some friends over. Halfway through the movie we paused it to sing happy birthday to Kurt. Towards the end of the movie I started dishes. There was a ton. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28, 2014


I forgot a few pics from yesterday, so I will add them again today. 

TJ dropped off the kids this morning at 8:30. I was still sleeping. I never sleep that late and I felt good when I woke up. I fed the kids and did devos. Kurt had 4 friends sleep over so they were up and about. 

Ben and Ed slept in very late because they got in very late. They had a light gig for Taj Majal on Little Palm Island. 

I folded more laundry and cut out and sewed on a dress for Callie. It's almost done. I have the hem and buttonholes and buttons left. 

So TJ, Ang, and Nina played this morning at Blue Heaven. Tonight they played in Marathon at Cabana breezes. The rest of the band played at Bistro 31. Callie fell asleep about 9:30 so I walked over to see the band for the last half hour.

The curtains in my room are soooo dirty, and my closet needs to be cleaned out again. Too much stuff. Too much clutter. 

March 27, 2014


I forgot to put up a few pics from yesterday so I will add them today. 

Today turned out to be a productive day. I worked on the books, wove at Kim's studio, and folded laundry. I went to Winn Dixie and bought fruit. The big kids had youth group and the younger ones went to the park with Tom and Rob. Charlie went to Shannon's.

I felt a bit guilty because I didn't make supper, and then the kids came home with 8 pizzas left over from youth group. Yes!!!

I was able to squeeze in a few minutes of embroidery before bed.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 26, 2014


We had a gig at the Navy base today for Navy kids. We left at 11 am. We met TJ and the kids at walgreens and he left his truck there. Ed and Ben left before us to set up for their lighting gig on Sumset Pier, then they met us at the Navy gig. Nina also met us at the gig with her siblings. She's driving now and that helps out.

While the band set up, I took all the little ones to the playground across the street. It was a little chilly all morning but the sun was warm. It was a good day to sit outside on a bench and watch kids at the playground.

It was a fun gig. I took the kiddos back to the playground while the band broke down. Ed and Ben went back to their lighting gig. Nina took her siblings home. We stopped at Sears and I bought new clothes for Charlie. He needed them bad.  While I was in Sears, a few of the boys went to Quiznos and bought subs for us all. Having our tummies full made the ride home much more pleasant. 

I went in the hot tub. TJ called and said Ang thought she was in labor and they were going to the hospital. Kim had Callie and I already had Jake with me. They were half way there when they realized they forgot Ang's purse, so Tom took it to them on his Harley.

The only ones left at home were Joe, Charlie. Jake, and me. We went to church for supper and Bible study. They were able to stop Ang's contractions. She has a doctor appt tomorrow. Came home. Hot tub. TJ came to pick up the kids.  Bed.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014


TJ brought the kids over about 8:15 this morning. I was ready for them. Made oatmeal and fed them. Tom and I went to Kim's studio. I helped her wrap a warp on the back beam. Tom worked on her old loom. We brought Callie with us.

We didn't go to gym class since it's spring break and my Tai Chi class was cancelled. That really opened up my day. 
When I got home, I worked on the books for almost 4 hours. Garrett took Jake and Callie out on the porch to play in the sprinkler again. 

I made pizza dough, then at 6 I went to Kim's house. I  am judging photos for a contest for her weaving business, and we looked at all the photos. It was really fun. Then I hurried home to make two vegan pizzas. I made salad and ordered 6 more pizzas. All the boys were at hockey at the park.

It took me 10 min to pick up the pizzas. Everyone came home and ate. We had banana bread that Rob brought for dessert. I went thru the contest photos and narrowed them down. We started with 118. When I left Kim's we had them down to 28. I have them down to 6 now.

It's chilly now, 72 degrees. The low is 63 tonight. I threw the feather blanket on the bed. Great sleeping weather.

Kurt made this video. Take a look.

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24, 2014

I set my alarm and got up early. Quiet time and walked. I cleaned most of my bathroom. TJ dropped off the kids and the older boys went with him to the studio to record Angelica's cd. Nina took her siblings, Tommy, and Charlie to Bahia Honda to the beach. Garrett took Jake and Callie in the sprinkler on the porch. They stayed out there a long time and had a blast. 

And me, I sat at my desk and worked at bookkeeping till 3:00. I packed a quick salad from leftovers from last night's supper. I got Charlie and Jake dressed and we loaded up the van. We were full and overflowing. All the Newtons, a few friends, and us. Oh, and stuff. 

Sloppy's was full all night. Jake stole the show. He rocked out and sang. He was awesome. We packed up and drove home. 

I'm beat.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014


Had some time to myself this morning. Then went to church. A few of the kids were leading worship today so they left earlier. Came home and watered a few plants. TJ took Charlie home with them, then to a kids festival at one of the parks here. Made lunch for Tom, Joe, and I. I worked on my embroidery, then Tom and I went to look at a boat. 

The church gave us spaghetti. I added more sauce and made vegan mozzarella that I put on the top. I made a giant salad too. I made it this afternoon so it was ready to eat tonight when the boys were done with hockey.

After they all left for hockey, I stole away downstairs to go in the hottub. I heard water running. Tom had been adding water and forgot to turn it off,  and it was overflowing. I turned it off. The water wasn't hot so I headed back upstairs.

Everyone came back from the park. We ate about 9:00 and the boys watched hockey. Rob brought desserts. A few of the kids have friends staying over. Spring break starts tomorrow. I plan on doing bookkeeping all week till it's done. 

It's hot and muggy, 84 in the house. I'm taking a cold shower and going to bed.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 22, 2014


Hmmm...I thought I would get a lot done today.

The band and Tom went to their gig at Sunset Pier about 11:30.

I watched Jake and Callie so TJ could go to work and Ang could get a project off the loom. I made black beans in my pressure cooker. I did laundry and folded laundry for 6 hours!!! It was horrible. But when I realized I was complaining and grumbling inside, I was embarrassed.

I also made granola. We've been out for a couple weeks. I hoped to make yogurt too, and possibly bread, but that's for another day. I had told Charlie we would make coconut milk ice cream today, but didn't get to that either. 

Tommy and Aaron had two friends over today. Charlie was super bratty. I had him sit in his room three different times.

Tom picked us up, Jake too, and we went to Schooner. I went to Duetto's for my affagato and on the way back noticed a little girl, about 8 years old, watching the tv outside of Kermit's Key Lime Pie Shop. I noticed her because she was all by herself. I walked past but turned around to look, and saw her realize that she was alone. I told her to look inside Kermit's shop and see if the people she was with were in there but they weren't. I told her not to worry, that as soon as they noticed her missing, they would retrace their steps and they would come back and find her. She said she was with a group of 11 people. That they were standing there figuring out directions and that's when she started watching the tv. She used my phone and we called three times but no one answered. I told her I'd stay there with her till they came back. Finally, my phone rang with the number she had called, and as I answered it, 2 people came around the corner that were looking for her. Happy ending. Yeah!!

I went back to Schooner. TJ finally had his turn with the cold that's going around. He had lost his voice and was going to go home early, so Charlie, Jake, and I left with him. 

I got home about 11, folded a load of laundry, read to Charlie, and showered. I used a salt scrub that Brenda gave me today. Very nice! Thank you Brenda!!

March 21, 2014


I went for my walk and made it one time around the park. I think something was going on there with Big Pine Academy because there were an awful lot of little kids on bikes. In order not to get run over, I walked on some other streets that I've never been down before. We have to keep saving for a house. I'm zeroing in on a neighborhood where I think we'd like to be. No hurry though. Save. Save. Save.

We did chores!!!! Ed finally cleaned out the computer nook. Three bags of garbage went out. The boys switched some beds around. Ben got shelves for his clothes in the closet. Three boys share their bedroom closet. Garrett and Kurt share two shelves in the laundry room. I have a big bin in the hallway for socks. All the big kids share socks.

I made myself get groceries after schoolwork was done. When I got back the band was just about read y to leave for Schooner Wharf. I put groceries away and moved laundry. I left with Tommy and Charlie for Schooner at 6.  It was a beautiful night, 73 degrees, just cool enough for my jean jacket. I was going to stay till 10, but it was so nice I stayed till 11:30. 

While sitting at Schooner I started the embroidery on the newest project. I think it's going to be a pillow on my bed. I like it!

March 20, 2014


I soaked in the hot tub this morning. The big kids went to church for a meeting and lunch, then to practice and set up for youth group. At home, we did our school work. TJ and Ang went to Miami for a doctor's appointment and then they took the kids to the zoo, so I didn't watch them today. 

Charlie went to Shannon's and I was home alone! I pulled out some fabric from my stash and made a dress for Callie. I have some more patterns and fabric for more dresses. Maybe tomorrow I can cut another one out. Kim also dropped off her sewing machine so I could use the embroidery stitches on another project. I did that too.

I needed to get groceries but just did not want to go. I was able to scrape up spaghetti for supper. Rob came up and the boys who were here went to the rink and skated. Rob brought donuts. I told him to not let me eat any.

I stayed up too late sewing, but I enjoyed myself. The thread/yarn in the picture is waste from Kim's weaving. Looks like I will have all the embroidery thread I could ever want! Isn't it pretty?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19,2013


Had my quiet time, a few minutes in the hot tub, and then woke up the troops to leave at 9:55 am for our gig. We played at the FL Keys Aquaduct Authority luncheon. We felt privileged to be included in their event. What a great bunch of people. :0)

They had a contest with some backhoes. The operator had to pick up an egg and move it . They were timed and it was fun to watch. The kids played a beanbag toss game and they fed us delicious food and pretty cupcakes. We watched a funny video about bottled water and listened to the sheriff speak.

When we got home the kids vedged a little. I folded laundry. The big kids all went to the studio. I packed a salad and took it with me to church. I had Charlie and Ariel with me. Everyone else had already gone.

After church I pulled out my sewing aching and threads and started a project I've been wanting to try. It's a crazy pillow. I didn't realize it till tonight, but my new machine doesn't have embroidery stitches like my old one. Kim's going to let me borrow hers tomorrow. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014


I had plenty of quiet time this morning and went for my walk. I had the younger boys do history and math. Tom went and picked up the grand kids so I could take them to gym class. TJ had some banjo students today. He teaches two of them on Skype. 

I totally forgot about Charlie's group fiddle lesson this morning at 10. We missed it. :0( There was a homeschooling special art class today that many kids were going to, but I thought there would be a few kids at gym class. Nope. Nobody. We were the only ones there. Then two new girls came. The gym teacher played tennis with the boys. Callie danced around the picnic shelter.

When we got home TJ picked up the kids. I started Tommy and Garrett on their writing and science and then headed to Tai Chi. So glad I went. Afterwards I got groceries at Winn Dixie. I decided I am not going there after Tai Chi anymore. It is so busy. People are stopping on their way home from work or wherever. I have to figure out a new time to go.

I put the food away. TJ and Ang had a gig at Springer's. They dropped off the kids. Tom ordered pizza and our friend Aaron picked it up on his way here, as it was "Hockey Night in big Pine." I worked on bookkeeping while everyone went to the park. Garrett got back first and helped me make the salad. I did bookkeeping from about 6:30 to midnight. Then, I must confess, I grumpily cleaned up and did the dishes while the older boys watched hockey and then played hockey video games. I fed about 19 people. The only one who helped was Garrett and I had to ask for it. I guess I will have to ask for more help since they can't tell that they are being slackers. 

We are playing at a luncheon tomorrow. That will be an early start for us.

I've really been wanting to sew a new dress for Callie. I have a few ideas, but little time. I'm also trying to finish a crocheted pillow fort bed. It has 6 blocks and I am on number 5. I'm trying not to start new projects till I finish something. 

The pictures are Jake and Callie at gym class, and the boys crowded around our kitchen table. There's always someone in the way.

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014


I hope that I am falling back into my routine. I got my walk in today, a little later than I want, but I did it. 

We got our school work done, and Charlie got to go to a friend's house before we left for Sloppy's. I made a salad with feta cheese and green olives and ate it on the way to Sloppy's.

The day was pretty ordinary. Instead of taking the boys to Duetto's on our break, we went to The Kite Store, which doesn't have one kite in it anymore. Imagine that. New owners. A kite store with no kites. Hello?? Maybe they should change the name of the store. I bought Jake a puzzle that we put together during the show.  

I saw Ingrid at her fancy hotdog wagon after the show. We all miss seeing her. There's a picture of some embroidery, not mine, but I love it. Inspiration! And that's a picture of our sound guy hard at work

I read a chapter of "Farmer Boy" to Charlie and Tommy and went to bed. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16, 2014


I've missed a few days writing. I was either up too late or just too crabby. Thursday I watched Jake and Callie while TJ took Angelica to her doctor's appointment in Miami. Thursday night, Tom, TJ, Ang, Jake, and I went to a house concert to hear Wayne Henderson play his guitar. It was fun. I was a little annoyed because my plans changed so many times, but it all worked out. Kim watched Callie and Tom and I went and picked her up during the second set. Then Tom dropped me and the kids off at their house. He went back to the concert. There was a jam afterwards, and I wanted TJ and Ang to be there. They didn't stay too late and then Tom and I went home.


I woke up early and went to Blue Heaven with TJ, Ang, and Ben. It was a relaxing morning. I crocheted and had breakfast with Rob. After we got home, Tom decided to start moving cupboards to make the new fridge fit. The whole pantry had to be emptied. Some of the boys went to skate at the park. At midnight Tom  wanted me to put the food back in the moved pantry. I did not want to do it then. I wanted to go to bed, but Tom, for some odd reason, really wanted it done. So...he went to bed and I finished it at 2 AM, and then did the dishes. It was 3 when I got to bed.


I made banana cranberry muffins. The boys went to play at Sunset Pier. I watched Jake and Callie so Amgelica could weave. I worked on book keeping for hours. Ang came to pick up the kids and took Charlie with them to a birthday party at the park. I went to Kim's to weave. I stayed till close to 8:30. I was going to go to the gig at Hogfish but ended up not going. I went home and grumpily made supper at 9 o'clock at night. I just didn't want to made it. Iade stir fried rice, doubled the recipe, and it made enough for 4 people. That doesn't cut it around here. Another late night.


I woke up with time to go in the hot tub. Then showered and ate my oatmeal. I watched the 2nd church service while doing the dishes. Then I woke up Tom and Charlie for church. We had visitors at church  today, from our hometown of Springville, NY., our mailman and his wife. They are vacationing in Key West.

After church I did se crocheting. I was going to start recovering my chaise lounge, but didn't get to it. I had to run to Winn Dixie for a few things for supper. I made chicken and vegetables in gravy with biscuits on top. I also made a salad and a pineapple upside down cake. We ate after the boys played hockey. It was all very yummy. I cleaned up and read to Charlie.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014


I had just made coffee this morning when TJ texted. He and Jake needed a ride, TJ to a meeting at church, and Jake to our house, so Angelica could have the truck today. So I zipped over and got them.

I 'm not getting to bed by 11 and I need to, otherwise I can't get my devos and walking done. I'm discouraged. There's too much to do. How am I supposed to get our tax stuff finished. I've done some here and there but there is so much still to do. I'll have to take some days off school.  :0(

Started school at 11, of course Tommy had wasted the morning on the couch with a laptop, that he wasn't supposed to be on, so he missed breakfast. 

Sometime in the afternoon Tom showed up. He took the new fridge over to TJ's to trade, but decided to measure TJ's fridge  (after the other one was already off the trailer and ready to go thru the door.) He came home and measured the spot and TJ's fridge was too big too. We were both frustrated and sad. I finally have a big fridge and it won't fit in the kitchen. I've always wanted a big fridge, a commercial stove, and a big sink with a high faucet, that the pots will actually fit in and under. It's never going to happen. The guy who designs sink has never washed dishes. Kitchen sinks are too shallow. And if you want a better one it will cost you two arms and two legs!

Garrett and Tommy dragged out school. I'm happy we got our science done though. The big kids were at church all day with meetings and practice. At 5:30 the younger ones headed over. I never had a chance to make supper, so Charlie and I headed over at 6. We ate, then listened to Mike Edwards teach us using his book, "Gravity, True for You, but not for Me." It was interesting and he was funny sometimes. 

Joe started feeling sick tonight. Nina and Naomi, Tom, Garrett, and Ben had it already. Ed, Tommy, and Joe have it now.

It's supposed to be cold here tomorrow. That's when I like using the hot tub. The high tomorrow is 72, low 64. 

My fabric came to recover my chaise lounge in my room. Now I have to find the time to do it.

I read to Charlie. Over half way through "Farmer Boy."

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014


I almost made it walking today. I woke up Ed and Ben to see who was going to play at Blue Heaven this morning. It ended up being TJ, Ang, and Nina. TJ dropped off the grand kids. I fed them oatmeal right away. I left Kurt in charge and went to Kim's studio to help her wrap the back beam.  We finished at 12:15. Tom had dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson earlier, and I picked him up on my way home. 

Tom had the van ready for me to take the kids and grand kids to gym class. Charlie didn't go. Ed watched him at the studio. We all had a good time there. I had forgotten to take a diaper for Callie, but luckily, Karen gave me one.

On the way home I did something I don't normally do. We stopped at McDonald's. My Tuesdays are too busy and I need to plan better. We got stuck in a little traffic jam coming off the bridge going into Big Pine. I think I could have made it to my Tai Chi class, but soaked in the hot tub instead.

I went to Winn Dixie an hour later than I normally do. It's too busy at 5:30-6, people stopping on their way home from work. Then had to put it away while making dinner. I made a salad, brown rice, fruit salad, and a chickpea-carrot-dried plum salad. It was ok. Don't know if I'd make it again.

Charlie was a punk, didn't want to eat his supper. Then he spilled the ice water that he was soaking his foot in, all around Ed's stereo/ computer/ projector stuff. I moved Charlie to a different chair so Ed and I could clean it up and then Charlie dropped Ed's phone in the ice water. Meanwhile,Tom was getting madder and madder at Charlie. He was turning into a great sleeping bear, although he wasn't sleeping, he was watching hockey. I don't know why he's so crabby. 

I put some leftovers away, sent Tommy to bed, and got Garrett to start dishes. I helped Charlie get ready for bed and made his bed. It was washed today. I got to bed at 10:55. :0)

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014


I went fort my walk and showered. While I was getting dressed I got a message that Charlie was hurt downstairs and needed me.

He had opened the back door of Ed's van to get his bike out and an amp fell on his foot, breaking his big toe. We had him put his foot in ice water for 20 min. He was kind of delirious. Had him lay on
my bed then with his foot propped up. He was praying and everything, asking God to help him. He even sang a few lines to some worship songs. Strange but cool :0)

He then sat in the hot tub watching cartoons on his iPad. I was
going to start school at 11, but Garrett and Tommy had to work on their own. I watched Charlie in the hot tub, and left the other kids upstairs with the chore hat. It was sooo bad up there. This morning
when I got up I strategically stacked dirty dishes in hot soapy water in the sink. I also put the silverware in a big
bowl of hot soapy water. 

The kids have been extra busy, so I know they can't do all the chores on the busy days. I would just like a little
consideration. Don't be slobs. Don't make messes and leave them for the magic fairy.

The chores got done and we went to our gig at Sloppy's. It's spring break and busy in Key West. We had an exciting night, but tiring. Ed and Tommy are getting the cold now. Charlie had to sing sitting on stool. I was busy keeping the kids contained, taking kids to the bathroom, got them gelato, and walked to CVS for medicine for Ed.

March 9, 2014


The kids led worship at chirch this morning. I went over to see them at the 2nd service. Then walked home to wake up Tom and Charlie so we could go to the 3rd service.

Rob and Anastasia picked up Charlie from church to take him to the Boston/Panthers game up in Miami. I think he had the best day ever. They also went to two water parks and the zoo!

Tom and I took Garrett and His friend Jaden to the Seafood Festival in Marathon. So Tom and I had a little date. I bought Nina the prettiest crocheted top and a pretty little dress for Callie. When we got home I couldn't decide what to do. I finally gave in and folded laundry in my room. The living room and kitchen were so trashed I couldn't go out there. 

I was in bed at 11.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8, 2014


Busy day today. Three gigs. TJ dropped of Jake and Callie. They went with us to the Seafood Fest in Marathon. TJ, Ang, Kim, and Garrett went to Fort Martello in Key West for the 2nd gig. When we finished playing in Marathon, Ben rode his motorcycle to the Fort Martello gig to relieve Kim so she could go home. Garrett went to watch Stevie while she played.

The Seafood Festival is one of our favorite places to play. Gorgeous day. 

When we left Marathon we went to a private party on Lower Sugarloaf, a block party. Pretty house. Pretty pool. Great food. Great people. TJ and Ben met us there. TJ ended up leaving early. Jake has been sick for a few days now so they took him home. The moon and stars were out. Tommy and Charlie played basketball. Callie danced. A cool night, 66 degrees. A good night.

March 7, 2014


Most of the gang went to the Sabres/Panthers game up past Miami today. They left about noon. Mommy, Charlie, and I stayed home. We did school. I did laundry. Then we went to Walgreens. I had a coupon for Joes Meds. It would be $170 with the coupon, over $400 without it. Tom filled it last time at Publix for $70. Grrrr!!! So I didn't get it. Tom will have to go Publix tomorrow.

Tommy and Charlie had a craving for Cuban Mixes, so we went to Coco's for supper.. When we got home I did dishes and more laundry. Read to Charlie and went to bed.