Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014


I had plenty of quiet time this morning and went for my walk. I had the younger boys do history and math. Tom went and picked up the grand kids so I could take them to gym class. TJ had some banjo students today. He teaches two of them on Skype. 

I totally forgot about Charlie's group fiddle lesson this morning at 10. We missed it. :0( There was a homeschooling special art class today that many kids were going to, but I thought there would be a few kids at gym class. Nope. Nobody. We were the only ones there. Then two new girls came. The gym teacher played tennis with the boys. Callie danced around the picnic shelter.

When we got home TJ picked up the kids. I started Tommy and Garrett on their writing and science and then headed to Tai Chi. So glad I went. Afterwards I got groceries at Winn Dixie. I decided I am not going there after Tai Chi anymore. It is so busy. People are stopping on their way home from work or wherever. I have to figure out a new time to go.

I put the food away. TJ and Ang had a gig at Springer's. They dropped off the kids. Tom ordered pizza and our friend Aaron picked it up on his way here, as it was "Hockey Night in big Pine." I worked on bookkeeping while everyone went to the park. Garrett got back first and helped me make the salad. I did bookkeeping from about 6:30 to midnight. Then, I must confess, I grumpily cleaned up and did the dishes while the older boys watched hockey and then played hockey video games. I fed about 19 people. The only one who helped was Garrett and I had to ask for it. I guess I will have to ask for more help since they can't tell that they are being slackers. 

We are playing at a luncheon tomorrow. That will be an early start for us.

I've really been wanting to sew a new dress for Callie. I have a few ideas, but little time. I'm also trying to finish a crocheted pillow fort bed. It has 6 blocks and I am on number 5. I'm trying not to start new projects till I finish something. 

The pictures are Jake and Callie at gym class, and the boys crowded around our kitchen table. There's always someone in the way.

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