Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24, 2014

I set my alarm and got up early. Quiet time and walked. I cleaned most of my bathroom. TJ dropped off the kids and the older boys went with him to the studio to record Angelica's cd. Nina took her siblings, Tommy, and Charlie to Bahia Honda to the beach. Garrett took Jake and Callie in the sprinkler on the porch. They stayed out there a long time and had a blast. 

And me, I sat at my desk and worked at bookkeeping till 3:00. I packed a quick salad from leftovers from last night's supper. I got Charlie and Jake dressed and we loaded up the van. We were full and overflowing. All the Newtons, a few friends, and us. Oh, and stuff. 

Sloppy's was full all night. Jake stole the show. He rocked out and sang. He was awesome. We packed up and drove home. 

I'm beat.

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