Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014


I almost made it walking today. I woke up Ed and Ben to see who was going to play at Blue Heaven this morning. It ended up being TJ, Ang, and Nina. TJ dropped off the grand kids. I fed them oatmeal right away. I left Kurt in charge and went to Kim's studio to help her wrap the back beam.  We finished at 12:15. Tom had dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson earlier, and I picked him up on my way home. 

Tom had the van ready for me to take the kids and grand kids to gym class. Charlie didn't go. Ed watched him at the studio. We all had a good time there. I had forgotten to take a diaper for Callie, but luckily, Karen gave me one.

On the way home I did something I don't normally do. We stopped at McDonald's. My Tuesdays are too busy and I need to plan better. We got stuck in a little traffic jam coming off the bridge going into Big Pine. I think I could have made it to my Tai Chi class, but soaked in the hot tub instead.

I went to Winn Dixie an hour later than I normally do. It's too busy at 5:30-6, people stopping on their way home from work. Then had to put it away while making dinner. I made a salad, brown rice, fruit salad, and a chickpea-carrot-dried plum salad. It was ok. Don't know if I'd make it again.

Charlie was a punk, didn't want to eat his supper. Then he spilled the ice water that he was soaking his foot in, all around Ed's stereo/ computer/ projector stuff. I moved Charlie to a different chair so Ed and I could clean it up and then Charlie dropped Ed's phone in the ice water. Meanwhile,Tom was getting madder and madder at Charlie. He was turning into a great sleeping bear, although he wasn't sleeping, he was watching hockey. I don't know why he's so crabby. 

I put some leftovers away, sent Tommy to bed, and got Garrett to start dishes. I helped Charlie get ready for bed and made his bed. It was washed today. I got to bed at 10:55. :0)

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