Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014


Slept a little late and missed my walk. I'll get back on track tomorrow. We did school. I made Minestrone soup and took some to Angelica for supper. I also took her pretzel chips and a dessert of oranges, bananas, coconut, and sliced almonds. 

We left for Sloppy's at 3:30. I ate salad and the orange banana dessert on the way there. Yum!  

Jake is amazing. He loves being on stage. He's so cute. at the beginning of the 2nd set he fell going up the steps to the stage and hurt his leg. I held him and he fell asleep. He was awake for the 3rd set, but didn't want to go back on stage till he heard "Rage Against the Machine."

On the way home we dropped off Ailsa, then Jake. Can't wait to go to bed.

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