Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16, 2014


I've missed a few days writing. I was either up too late or just too crabby. Thursday I watched Jake and Callie while TJ took Angelica to her doctor's appointment in Miami. Thursday night, Tom, TJ, Ang, Jake, and I went to a house concert to hear Wayne Henderson play his guitar. It was fun. I was a little annoyed because my plans changed so many times, but it all worked out. Kim watched Callie and Tom and I went and picked her up during the second set. Then Tom dropped me and the kids off at their house. He went back to the concert. There was a jam afterwards, and I wanted TJ and Ang to be there. They didn't stay too late and then Tom and I went home.


I woke up early and went to Blue Heaven with TJ, Ang, and Ben. It was a relaxing morning. I crocheted and had breakfast with Rob. After we got home, Tom decided to start moving cupboards to make the new fridge fit. The whole pantry had to be emptied. Some of the boys went to skate at the park. At midnight Tom  wanted me to put the food back in the moved pantry. I did not want to do it then. I wanted to go to bed, but Tom, for some odd reason, really wanted it done. So...he went to bed and I finished it at 2 AM, and then did the dishes. It was 3 when I got to bed.


I made banana cranberry muffins. The boys went to play at Sunset Pier. I watched Jake and Callie so Amgelica could weave. I worked on book keeping for hours. Ang came to pick up the kids and took Charlie with them to a birthday party at the park. I went to Kim's to weave. I stayed till close to 8:30. I was going to go to the gig at Hogfish but ended up not going. I went home and grumpily made supper at 9 o'clock at night. I just didn't want to made it. Iade stir fried rice, doubled the recipe, and it made enough for 4 people. That doesn't cut it around here. Another late night.


I woke up with time to go in the hot tub. Then showered and ate my oatmeal. I watched the 2nd church service while doing the dishes. Then I woke up Tom and Charlie for church. We had visitors at church  today, from our hometown of Springville, NY., our mailman and his wife. They are vacationing in Key West.

After church I did se crocheting. I was going to start recovering my chaise lounge, but didn't get to it. I had to run to Winn Dixie for a few things for supper. I made chicken and vegetables in gravy with biscuits on top. I also made a salad and a pineapple upside down cake. We ate after the boys played hockey. It was all very yummy. I cleaned up and read to Charlie.

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