Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4, 2014


Devos. Walked. Showered. Oatmeal. Made breakfast for little peeps.
Got Garrett and Tommy started on their schoolwork and Charlie ready for his fiddle lesson.

I went to Kim's to weave at 10 AM. Ed took Charlie to his lesson. Then Tom took the boys to gym class. I wove 6-7 feet today. Then went to Tai Chi.

A trip to Winn Dixie at 6. Home at 7. Made spaghetti and salad. The gang was back just after 8:30 from the park. TJ and Ang had a gig at Springer's, so I babysat.

The boys went to gym class,
But first they went to the Springer's. We ate and I did dishes. 5 hours in the kitchen. I'm tired.

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