Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28, 2014


I forgot a few pics from yesterday, so I will add them again today. 

TJ dropped off the kids this morning at 8:30. I was still sleeping. I never sleep that late and I felt good when I woke up. I fed the kids and did devos. Kurt had 4 friends sleep over so they were up and about. 

Ben and Ed slept in very late because they got in very late. They had a light gig for Taj Majal on Little Palm Island. 

I folded more laundry and cut out and sewed on a dress for Callie. It's almost done. I have the hem and buttonholes and buttons left. 

So TJ, Ang, and Nina played this morning at Blue Heaven. Tonight they played in Marathon at Cabana breezes. The rest of the band played at Bistro 31. Callie fell asleep about 9:30 so I walked over to see the band for the last half hour.

The curtains in my room are soooo dirty, and my closet needs to be cleaned out again. Too much stuff. Too much clutter. 

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