Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014


I went fort my walk and showered. While I was getting dressed I got a message that Charlie was hurt downstairs and needed me.

He had opened the back door of Ed's van to get his bike out and an amp fell on his foot, breaking his big toe. We had him put his foot in ice water for 20 min. He was kind of delirious. Had him lay on
my bed then with his foot propped up. He was praying and everything, asking God to help him. He even sang a few lines to some worship songs. Strange but cool :0)

He then sat in the hot tub watching cartoons on his iPad. I was
going to start school at 11, but Garrett and Tommy had to work on their own. I watched Charlie in the hot tub, and left the other kids upstairs with the chore hat. It was sooo bad up there. This morning
when I got up I strategically stacked dirty dishes in hot soapy water in the sink. I also put the silverware in a big
bowl of hot soapy water. 

The kids have been extra busy, so I know they can't do all the chores on the busy days. I would just like a little
consideration. Don't be slobs. Don't make messes and leave them for the magic fairy.

The chores got done and we went to our gig at Sloppy's. It's spring break and busy in Key West. We had an exciting night, but tiring. Ed and Tommy are getting the cold now. Charlie had to sing sitting on stool. I was busy keeping the kids contained, taking kids to the bathroom, got them gelato, and walked to CVS for medicine for Ed.

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