Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014


I had just made coffee this morning when TJ texted. He and Jake needed a ride, TJ to a meeting at church, and Jake to our house, so Angelica could have the truck today. So I zipped over and got them.

I 'm not getting to bed by 11 and I need to, otherwise I can't get my devos and walking done. I'm discouraged. There's too much to do. How am I supposed to get our tax stuff finished. I've done some here and there but there is so much still to do. I'll have to take some days off school.  :0(

Started school at 11, of course Tommy had wasted the morning on the couch with a laptop, that he wasn't supposed to be on, so he missed breakfast. 

Sometime in the afternoon Tom showed up. He took the new fridge over to TJ's to trade, but decided to measure TJ's fridge  (after the other one was already off the trailer and ready to go thru the door.) He came home and measured the spot and TJ's fridge was too big too. We were both frustrated and sad. I finally have a big fridge and it won't fit in the kitchen. I've always wanted a big fridge, a commercial stove, and a big sink with a high faucet, that the pots will actually fit in and under. It's never going to happen. The guy who designs sink has never washed dishes. Kitchen sinks are too shallow. And if you want a better one it will cost you two arms and two legs!

Garrett and Tommy dragged out school. I'm happy we got our science done though. The big kids were at church all day with meetings and practice. At 5:30 the younger ones headed over. I never had a chance to make supper, so Charlie and I headed over at 6. We ate, then listened to Mike Edwards teach us using his book, "Gravity, True for You, but not for Me." It was interesting and he was funny sometimes. 

Joe started feeling sick tonight. Nina and Naomi, Tom, Garrett, and Ben had it already. Ed, Tommy, and Joe have it now.

It's supposed to be cold here tomorrow. That's when I like using the hot tub. The high tomorrow is 72, low 64. 

My fabric came to recover my chaise lounge in my room. Now I have to find the time to do it.

I read to Charlie. Over half way through "Farmer Boy."

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