Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 21, 2014


I went for my walk and made it one time around the park. I think something was going on there with Big Pine Academy because there were an awful lot of little kids on bikes. In order not to get run over, I walked on some other streets that I've never been down before. We have to keep saving for a house. I'm zeroing in on a neighborhood where I think we'd like to be. No hurry though. Save. Save. Save.

We did chores!!!! Ed finally cleaned out the computer nook. Three bags of garbage went out. The boys switched some beds around. Ben got shelves for his clothes in the closet. Three boys share their bedroom closet. Garrett and Kurt share two shelves in the laundry room. I have a big bin in the hallway for socks. All the big kids share socks.

I made myself get groceries after schoolwork was done. When I got back the band was just about read y to leave for Schooner Wharf. I put groceries away and moved laundry. I left with Tommy and Charlie for Schooner at 6.  It was a beautiful night, 73 degrees, just cool enough for my jean jacket. I was going to stay till 10, but it was so nice I stayed till 11:30. 

While sitting at Schooner I started the embroidery on the newest project. I think it's going to be a pillow on my bed. I like it!

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