Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 22, 2014


Hmmm...I thought I would get a lot done today.

The band and Tom went to their gig at Sunset Pier about 11:30.

I watched Jake and Callie so TJ could go to work and Ang could get a project off the loom. I made black beans in my pressure cooker. I did laundry and folded laundry for 6 hours!!! It was horrible. But when I realized I was complaining and grumbling inside, I was embarrassed.

I also made granola. We've been out for a couple weeks. I hoped to make yogurt too, and possibly bread, but that's for another day. I had told Charlie we would make coconut milk ice cream today, but didn't get to that either. 

Tommy and Aaron had two friends over today. Charlie was super bratty. I had him sit in his room three different times.

Tom picked us up, Jake too, and we went to Schooner. I went to Duetto's for my affagato and on the way back noticed a little girl, about 8 years old, watching the tv outside of Kermit's Key Lime Pie Shop. I noticed her because she was all by herself. I walked past but turned around to look, and saw her realize that she was alone. I told her to look inside Kermit's shop and see if the people she was with were in there but they weren't. I told her not to worry, that as soon as they noticed her missing, they would retrace their steps and they would come back and find her. She said she was with a group of 11 people. That they were standing there figuring out directions and that's when she started watching the tv. She used my phone and we called three times but no one answered. I told her I'd stay there with her till they came back. Finally, my phone rang with the number she had called, and as I answered it, 2 people came around the corner that were looking for her. Happy ending. Yeah!!

I went back to Schooner. TJ finally had his turn with the cold that's going around. He had lost his voice and was going to go home early, so Charlie, Jake, and I left with him. 

I got home about 11, folded a load of laundry, read to Charlie, and showered. I used a salt scrub that Brenda gave me today. Very nice! Thank you Brenda!!

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