Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 20, 2014


I soaked in the hot tub this morning. The big kids went to church for a meeting and lunch, then to practice and set up for youth group. At home, we did our school work. TJ and Ang went to Miami for a doctor's appointment and then they took the kids to the zoo, so I didn't watch them today. 

Charlie went to Shannon's and I was home alone! I pulled out some fabric from my stash and made a dress for Callie. I have some more patterns and fabric for more dresses. Maybe tomorrow I can cut another one out. Kim also dropped off her sewing machine so I could use the embroidery stitches on another project. I did that too.

I needed to get groceries but just did not want to go. I was able to scrape up spaghetti for supper. Rob came up and the boys who were here went to the rink and skated. Rob brought donuts. I told him to not let me eat any.

I stayed up too late sewing, but I enjoyed myself. The thread/yarn in the picture is waste from Kim's weaving. Looks like I will have all the embroidery thread I could ever want! Isn't it pretty?

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