Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19,2013


Had my quiet time, a few minutes in the hot tub, and then woke up the troops to leave at 9:55 am for our gig. We played at the FL Keys Aquaduct Authority luncheon. We felt privileged to be included in their event. What a great bunch of people. :0)

They had a contest with some backhoes. The operator had to pick up an egg and move it . They were timed and it was fun to watch. The kids played a beanbag toss game and they fed us delicious food and pretty cupcakes. We watched a funny video about bottled water and listened to the sheriff speak.

When we got home the kids vedged a little. I folded laundry. The big kids all went to the studio. I packed a salad and took it with me to church. I had Charlie and Ariel with me. Everyone else had already gone.

After church I pulled out my sewing aching and threads and started a project I've been wanting to try. It's a crazy pillow. I didn't realize it till tonight, but my new machine doesn't have embroidery stitches like my old one. Kim's going to let me borrow hers tomorrow. 

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