Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 26, 2014


We had a gig at the Navy base today for Navy kids. We left at 11 am. We met TJ and the kids at walgreens and he left his truck there. Ed and Ben left before us to set up for their lighting gig on Sumset Pier, then they met us at the Navy gig. Nina also met us at the gig with her siblings. She's driving now and that helps out.

While the band set up, I took all the little ones to the playground across the street. It was a little chilly all morning but the sun was warm. It was a good day to sit outside on a bench and watch kids at the playground.

It was a fun gig. I took the kiddos back to the playground while the band broke down. Ed and Ben went back to their lighting gig. Nina took her siblings home. We stopped at Sears and I bought new clothes for Charlie. He needed them bad.  While I was in Sears, a few of the boys went to Quiznos and bought subs for us all. Having our tummies full made the ride home much more pleasant. 

I went in the hot tub. TJ called and said Ang thought she was in labor and they were going to the hospital. Kim had Callie and I already had Jake with me. They were half way there when they realized they forgot Ang's purse, so Tom took it to them on his Harley.

The only ones left at home were Joe, Charlie. Jake, and me. We went to church for supper and Bible study. They were able to stop Ang's contractions. She has a doctor appt tomorrow. Came home. Hot tub. TJ came to pick up the kids.  Bed.

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