Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 10, 2013


I took my walk, made pancakes, and headed for Winn Dixie. I bought cupcake stuff and came home and made them. I was so glad that some of the kids did chores while I was gone, especially for Nina, who did the dishes.

I wrapped Charlie and Ariel's presents, and Jonathan helped me decorate the Minions. Nina and I walked over to Salvation Army but neither of us bought anything. There was a piano there today.

I watered my plants. Tom got home and we put everything in the van, including hockey equipment. Ed and Nina took their van and we all met up at Rob's for the birthday party.  Anastasia made us all supper. We had a great night. Rob took the kids swimming. Then the hockey players went to Key West and the rest of us went home.

I paid bills, did laundry, and cleaned my bathroom. I'm up too late again. What's a girl to do?

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