Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 19, 2013

I went for my walk. I've finished listening to two books, " The Wedding Gift," and "The Secret Life of Bees." I enjoyed both of them very much. Today I started "Heaven is for Real."

My plans for today were totally changed. My plan was a little schoolwork and weaving with Kim, and then Schooner. We got a call this morning from some friends, Goldwing Express, a family band from MO, that were coming into town today. They were supposed to stay on their bus, but it had caught fire and they had to leave it in St. Louis. So they called this morning from Miami on their way here needing a place to stay. We offered them TJ and Ang's apartment.

So our band left at 11 am for their first gig, and Garrett and Jonathan helped me finish cleaning the apartment. 

Fran had some bunk beds for us, where his sister is trying to move in, so today was the day to get them. Me, Jonathan, and Garrett took the last of TJ's stuff to Salvation Army. Then we went to pick up the beds.

Before we left I had Garrett bring down the top of Nina's bunk bed. It was hard to get it out the door but they finally got It out. Once we got to Fran's sister's, we found out there were two bunk beds, matching, so we didn't need to bring down Nina's after all. Garrett had to take it back upstairs.

The house where we had to pick up the bunk beds was way out at the end of Key Deer Blvd. First we brought back the 4 mattresses. Next trip the beds would not fit in the van. I called Doug and he came over with his truck. He was able to move them in two trips.

Then I went to Winn Dixie to stock the fridge downstairs with some food, and to Bealls for pillows and bedding. I put all the food away and made the beds.  I finished about 6 o'clock. 

At 7, I took Tommy and Charlie and we stopped at Boondocks to see the beginning of Goldwing's show. Then we continued on our way to Schooner Wharf.

When we arrived one of the first people I saw was Dancing Kevin. He has been coming to our shows since we started coming to the Keys, and he always makes me smile. That, and some favorite servers made my night. 

On a down note, both my eyes started bothering me this afternoon. I think I've got pink eye again.

1 comment:

  1. You are a true Christian, helping your friends by offering them TJ's place, then spending almost your entire day cleaning, moving and rearranging furniture, and shopping in consideration of their comfort and needs. You're a true friend.
