Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013


I walked, made banana muffins, and had the kids pick chores. We did school till 3. Tommy, Charlie, and Aaron went to an art class at the Big Pine Park and I went to Kim's. For two hours I threaded the reed on the loom.

I came home and made supper, steamed broccoli, leftover salad and black beans, and I cut up a pineapple for on top. I packed it up an took it to church for Tom, Ed, and I. The rest of the kids ate at church.

The big kids stayed at church after Bible study, to record. I went to Winn Dixie for bananas, lettuce, apples, and yeast. When I got home I made popcorn and we watched the movie, "The Story of Bees."  It kind of makes me wish I lived in an old farmhouse. Wait...I did that already, and everything was broken and old.

Then we all took turns in the bathroom and went to bed.

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