Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013

Went walking, we did chores, and started school. We only had an hour and a half of schoolwork and then went to gym class. I didn't want to go, but I knew the kids would be crybabies if we didn't go. It was good to visit with the other moms though. 

We came home and I hurried to Tai Chi. A part of me didn't want to go to that either, but sometimes I'm the only student who shows up, and I hate the thought of the teacher going and no one showing up. I really do like going, so I went.

When that was over I went to Winn Dixie. I bought spaghetti fixin's and ingredients to make 2 peanut butter chocolate pies for Tommy's birthday party tonight. Then I stopped to pick up my produce.

I had a hard time planning anything for tonight. I had already decided to have the party tonight, but the big kids decided to go to youth group in KW. Rob said he would come, Tom got home at 7:30 from work but went to the rink to skate. Kim came over so we (me, Charlie, Ailsa, Shannon, and Bobby) sang to Tommy. We ate one pie and he opened his presents, Lego chess and a slingshot.

Tom and Rob came in after Kim left. I didn't even know Rob had come. They were able to eat and have pie. 

I did the mega dishes. The big boys came home. I watered my inside plants, read to Charlie, and went to bed.

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