Saturday, October 26, 2013

October 26, 2013

I walked and we did school. Garrett had to leave early to help Ed with the light show. I watered my plants and made a vegetable and bean soup. I ate and then packed some to take to church for Kim and Ed.

Ben, Kurt, and Nina played this morning at Blue Heaven. I would have gone but today was too crazy. Charlie was supposed to have a fiddle lesson, but his teacher had to cancel. 

I took the younger boys to church for the Fall Festival early, about 5:00. The rest of the kids were already there. Tom was there too.

The kids had a blast. Tons of candy and games. The band was dressed up like the Avengers and put on an awesome concert with a light show. It was very exciting!

Afterwards, Tom and I went to eat with Rob and Anastasia. We went to Springer's. Then I dropped Tom off at church to help the boys pack up. I went home and did the dishes. I also put the younger boys candy way up high so they couldn't over do it.

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