Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8, 2013

I was on a time frame today. I slept in 15 min so had to shorten my walk by one lap so I could get to Kim's by 10. I woke up the boys and told them to eat and do their independent work. 

I wove from 10-12. I left for home and Kim left to meet Doug for lunch. I picked up the younger boys and Jonathan for gym class, but before we left we had to get gas. A little Doerfel trivia: Cheryl never pumps gas. So Jonathan and Garrett had to help me. I always push the wrong buttons at the pump. I can't even get the gas cap off the van. That's why I never pump gas. :0)

Anyways, we made it to gym class. The kids had a great time and I had a great time visiting other homeschool moms.

When we got home, I grabbed a piece of homemade bread with hummus and headed to Tai Chi. I kind of didn't want to go. I just wanted to stay home, maybe vedge, maybe play catch-up. I'm glad I went though.

Next was a visit to Winn Dixie. Back home, I made pizza dough and chopped veggies. I ordered 4 pizzas for the kids.

The older boys spent all day at the studio with Anthony. Then they played hockey at the park. Rob came up and played hockey too. Then we all ate together. I did a little embroidery while they watched a hockey game. I threw in a load of laundry and finished the dishes. I  am so ready for bed.

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