Saturday, October 5, 2013

October 5, 2013

I overslept again. Boy am I tired lately. I went thru my routine, devos, walk, shower, oatmeal. Woke up the kids. Fed Charlie. Did some make-up school work with the kids that we didn't finish. 

The band left for their gig. Garrett and his friend Jonathan exchanged our kitchen table with TJ and Ang's from downstairs. The band showed up home, turns out the job had something else going on and forgot to cancel. They will still get paid though so that is great. It turned the house back into a whirlwind of activity.  By 3:00 I was ready to go to Kim's and weave. But, I hadn't had a chance to eat lunch. I texted Kim and told her I was on my way, and she said she had just woken up from a nap. I was going to stop at Winn Dixie for a sub but Ed, Nina, and Ben were at the Chinese restaurant with Sahara so I joined them. They were all done eating so I ate their leftovers.

Then off to Kim's. I wove 3 feet and returned home to get ready for the gig. On the way to the Hurricane I sat in the passenger seat and Nina drove. She got her permit recently. She did great.

Some new friends had dinner with us and stayed at the hurricane for about 3 hours. It was a fun evening. I just wish it wasn't so late. 

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