Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 3, 2013

I took my walk to the park. I walk three miles and lately I have been listening to books on my phone. I enjoy walking more doing that. And I'm learning too!

I did school with Charlie first today, while Garrett put together a new shelf with baskets for the laundry room. He took out the old, ugly dresser that kept his and Kurt's clothes and moved the new one in. It looks great and makes the room look bigger.

I did school with Garrett and Tommy, then at about 1:25 Charlie and I dropped Tommy off at his guitar lesson, then we went to the weaving studio to weave. Charlie had fun with Stevie, cutting yarn with scissors, and  winding the bobbin winder. We stayed there till 4:30ish.

We headed home to get Charlie's swim suit. Then I took him to Shannon's house. Tommy was already there. Mel had picked him up. They always have tons of fun at Shannon's. 

I had just enough time to eat my salad and quinoa for lunch and then hurried out to my aerobics class. It was just me and the teacher, and more fun than I expected.

When I left there I stopped at Winn Dixie for tonight's supper and bananas. I hurried home and chopped 4 heads of cauliflower for Buffalo Cauliflower wings, 3/4 of a watermelon, and made a salad. Rob brought donuts for dessert. I had a good food day.

I cleaned up the leftovers, Ed put dishes away and Ben washed dishes (after midnight). I'm not sure Kurt got all his schoolwork done. He says algebra is hard, but I say that doesn't mean you don't do it. I'm hoping to get all our schoolwork done tomorrow and to finish up the weeks work with Tommy and Garrett on Saturday morning.

I got to talk to a friend on the phone just before bed. That was special.

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