Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, 2013


Here's my recipe for Donna :0)

Coconut Black Beans

Sauté in water to cover:

4 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, chopped
2 jalapeño peppers, chopped
2 tsp cumin

Add and cook 10 to 15 minutes longer:

1 can coconut milk
4 cups cooked black beans
1 bay leaf 

Remove bay leaf. Serve over brown rice. Or my favorite-serve over chopped romaine lettuce with chopped mango and watermelon on top of the beans.

We were out too late last night and I slept in this morning. I went for my walk and decided to take another day off school. 

Ben needed me to go to the DMV with him to get his motorcycle license, so I went. Turns out he didn't need me, but it all worked out.

My friend Helena offered to take the boys to gym class today. Yay!!! I had the afternoon off and felt revived. I took care of a few small things but didn't take on any big projects. 

Just before 4, I started to walk to Tai Chi. The 15 passenger van was attached to the trailer and all the other vehicles were gone. As I walked down our road, Ben came riding along on the Harley. Guess how I got to Tai Chi? It was my first ride on the motorcycle. I'm a scaredy cat. Slow down, too fast. But he did great and got me there in one piece.

After class, I walked home. I did one of Kurt's Great Books' lessons. Then took about a half hour to do one algebra problem.  The younger kids all went to the park to go through the haunted house there. I made pizza dough, ordered pizzas, chopped veggies for the homemade pizza, and made a salad. I then settled down at the kitchen table and took care of some hand sewing on a baby dress. I'm ready for this one to be done. 

I think I will leave the dishes for some lucky person's morning chores. I'm tired.

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